(Re) insurance brokers brokered 64.81% of the insurance market in the first three months of 2021 and continue to be a major sales force nationwide. XPRIMM Publications presents the ranking of the top 50 insurance brokers!
In the TOP 50 insurance brokers ranking in Romania, DESTINE Broker, is on the 3rd place.
The top is led by SAFETY Broker, with a market share of 7.89% and intermediated premiums worth about 163.4 million lei, followed by MARSH Broker – 7.44% and over 154 million lei and DESTINE Broker – 6.11% and 126.5 million lei.
The revenues from the intermediation activity obtained by the insurance brokers in the first quarter of 2021 registered a percentage increase of 13% compared to the same period of 2020, from the value of 335.53 million lei to 379.14 million lei, according to ASF data.
More details here.