Key characteristics
- Financial stability
- Tax deductibility up to 400 EUR/year
- Profitability
The imbalance of the budget of the public pension system raises questions about its ability to ensure the necessary comfort at retirement age. Fortunately for all of us, starting with 2007, in Romania was implemented the system of voluntary private pensions, to which we can contribute monthly with up to 15% of the monthly salary.
Currently, in Romania, there are 7 administrators of voluntary private pension funds – Aegon Pensii, Allianz-Tiriac Pensii Private, BCR Pensii, BRD Pensii, Generali Fonduri de Pensii, Metropolitan Life Pensii and NN Pensii.
Joining a private pensions fund is an individual option, which will complete your income after retirement, and DESTINATION INSURANCE BROKER – REINSURANCE can help you make the right choice for your financial future.
Accession criteria
In order to contribute to a voluntary private pension fund, you must be employed and not have reached retirement age.
You can contribute to a single private voluntary pension fund, up to a maximum of 15% of your monthly salary.
By retirement age you must accumulate at least 90 monthly contributions in your account.
Accession criteria
In order to contribute to a voluntary private pension fund, you must be employed and not have reached retirement age.
You can contribute to a single private voluntary pension fund, up to a maximum of 15% of your monthly salary.
By retirement age you must accumulate at least 90 monthly contributions in your account.
The advantages of the optional pension
Financial stability – contributions to a private voluntary pension fund will increase your retirement income. Every year, you receive, free of charge, an account statement with the centralized statement of your contributions.
Tax deductibility – your contributions to the voluntary pensions fund are not taxable, up to 400 euros per year from income tax.
Profitability – your contributions for the voluntary private pensions are invested by the fund manager in instruments that generate returns and that are added to the contributed amounts. The investments of the voluntary private pension fund managers are constantly monitored by the Financial Supervisory Authority.