Terms and Conditions


Please, as a user (visitor) of our website, carefully read the rules contained in the Terms and Conditions on www.destine-broker.ro. Your continued use of the website constitutes your agreement to these Terms and Conditions.

For all information on this website, copyright is held by Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker or its affiliates. No material on this site may be reproduced in part, in whole or modified without the express permission of Destine Insurance Reinsurance Broker or the copyright holder. All rights are reserved to Destine Insurance Reinsurance Broker. It is strictly forbidden to use this site for the purpose of destroying or altering it, its content or its security or for discrediting or harassing Destine Insurance Reinsurance Broker or its affiliates. Destine Insurance Reinsurance Broker will apply all technical and organisational security measures to protect the data over which it has control against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorised persons. The trademarks and logos appearing on this website are the property of Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker (the “Trademark”) and its divisions (collectively, the “Destine Broker Group”) or their respective owners.

The identification data of Destine Broker are as follows:

SC Destine Broker de Asigurare-Reinsurance SRL

  • Member company of Destine Holding Group
  • Head office: 4 Torcatori Street, Ploiesti, Romania
  • Phone: +40 344 801 880
  • Fax +40 344 801 881
  • Call Center: +40 344 801 880
  • www.destine-broker.ro
  • e-mail: office@destine-broker.com
  • Certificate R.C.: J29/1143/2007, CUI: 21678074,
  • Registered with ANSPDCP in the register of personal data processing under no. 21966, for the purposes of: insurance and reinsurance services and advertising, marketing and publicity.

Destine Broker has the right to unilaterally modify the provisions of the Terms and Conditions in accordance with the legal provisions. Modifications come into force from the moment the text of the Terms and Conditions is made available on the website together with the numerical version marking. Your use of the website as a user after these changes have been made means that you are aware of these changes, understand them and agree to their application to you.

In the event of any discrepancy between the Terms and Conditions and the General Conditions of Insurance, the General Conditions of Insurance shall take precedence, subject to the legal provisions applicable to the conclusion and execution of distance contracts for financial services.

The information on this website is provided in good faith and Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker considers it to be correct. However, the data, opinions and headings (calendar of meetings, timetable, press releases, presentations, etc.) contained on the website owned by Destine Broker Insurance-Reinsurance are provided for information purposes only on the activities of Destine Broker, and Destine Broker Insurance-Reinsurance does not guarantee their constant updating.

The use of data and information to support the choice of personal investment operations is at the user’s own risk.

The information presented on this website is produced by internal sources of Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker. Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker is authorized to modify at any time and as it sees fit the content and the functional and operational methods of the website, without prior notice. Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker shall ensure that the information presented on the website meets, as far as possible, the requirements of reliability, correctness, accuracy and topicality. Destine Insurance Reinsurance Broker is exempt from any liability in case of errors or inaccuracies in the content of this information due to causes that cannot be attributed to it.

None of the information presented on the website constitutes investment advice, recommendation or solicitation on the part of Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker for the purchase or sale of financial instruments.

The information and services provided by the Destine Insurance Reinsurance Broker website may not be used, downloaded or imported into other countries or by foreign nationals if the law applicable in those countries or those nationals contains provisions against their use or dissemination and communication, or in countries where Destine Insurance Reinsurance Broker is not authorized to provide such information and services.

Destine Insurance Reinsurance Broker is not responsible for any damages resulting from interruptions, suspensions, delays or anomalies in the distribution of the service, dependent on the supply of electricity or telephone service or the malfunctioning of the internet network or any other cause not dependent on it.


The website www.destine-broker.ro may be used only by persons who are of legal age and who have the capacity to exercise their rights and assume their obligations by personally executing legal acts.

The use of the website is possible if the Java script service and the Cookies folder are activated in the User’s Internet browser.


When you visit the website of Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker, the web server automatically registers the name of your Internet service provider and the website from which you visit us. Other personal data will only be stored if voluntarily provided by you, for example, in the context of a registration, a survey, a contest or in the course of the execution of a contract.

The company Destine Broker Insurance-Reinsurance SA is registered with the ANSPDCP in the register of personal data processing under no. 21966, for the purposes of insurance and reinsurance services and advertising, marketing and publicity.

The company processes your personal data (name, surname, sex, date and place of birth, address, citizenship, profession, CNP, series and CI number) for the purpose of insurance/reinsurance services and are communicated only to the following recipients:

  • Financial Supervisory Authority;
  • National Tax Administration Agency;
  • other possible central and local public authorities;
  • other companies in the same group as the Company;
  • other natural or legal persons processing personal data on behalf of the Company.

Also, Destine Broker de Asigurare-Reassurance Reinsurance S.A. may use these data for the transmission of information and offers by post, telephone, e-mail, SMS or other means of communication on behalf of the Company and/or its contractual partners.

We inform you that, in accordance with Law 677/2001 and Law no. 506/2004 for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, you may exercise:

  • right of access
  • the right to intervene on data (rectification, updating, blocking, deletion of incomplete or inaccurate data*)
  • the right not to be subject to an individual decision
  • the right to take legal action

You also have the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning you and to request the deletion of data*.

To exercise these rights, you may address a written request, dated and signed to Destine Broker Insurance-Reinsurance S.A. with registered office in Ploiesti, Str. Torcatori, nr. 4, , postal code 100 275, to the attention of the Office as well as to the e-mail address: office@destine-broker.com.

*Note: any person has the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data concerning him/her. This right of objection may be excluded for certain processing operations provided for by law (e.g. processing carried out by financial and tax services, police, justice, social security). Therefore, this right may not apply if the processing is of a mandatory nature; any person also has the right to object, free of charge and without any justification, to the processing of his/her personal data for direct marketing purposes.

The user has the following responsibilities:

  • to provide true, accurate and complete data as required by the registration form where applicable;
  • to maintain and update, when the situation requires, registration data to be true, accurate and complete.

It also undertakes not to do the following:

  • publish material that contains viruses or other programs intended to destroy this system or any system or information;
  • to publish copyrighted material, if he is not the author or if he does not have the author’s permission to publish such material;
  • to publish obscene, defamatory, threatening or malicious material towards another user, natural or legal person, material or information prohibited by the legal provisions in force;
  • to publish an image or a statement that contravenes the applicable legal provisions in force.

In case of non-compliance with these terms and conditions, Destine Insurance-Reinsurance Broker and its affiliates will dissociate itself from the author, will delete the information in question and may take legal action.


Complaints regarding the functioning of the website can be submitted by phone, by calling the Call Center: +40 344 801 880 or by using the form on the website or in writing to Destine Broker at 4 Torcatori Street, Ploiesti, Romania.

The properly filed complaint must contain at least the following data: information identifying the User: name and surname, e-mail address, mailing address and description of the problem to which the complaint refers.

On the outcome of the complaint analysis, Destine Broker will inform the complainant without delay by e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the User. Complaints will be analysed and answered within 30 days from the date of their receipt by Destine Broker.