Frequently asked questions

We have prepared below a list of answers to frequently asked questions in the insurance world. We know we cannot address all uncertainties here, but our goal is to offer clarity and a pleasant experience. If your question is not listed in the FAQ section below, which we have received over time from clients, we invite you to contact us. 


The validity of the insurance is specified in the insurance policy. Generally, travel insurance, when there is no Storno clause, depends on the travel dates and comes into effect on the start date of the trip and ends on the return date. In the case of Storno insurance, it is recommended to take out the policy on the day of booking the trip.

Each travel insurance is different in terms of coverage amounts and valid countries. Please consult the product section or talk directly with a broker for more details.

Some insurance companies include Storno insurance in their packages.


This insurance covers the unfortunate situation where, due to reasons beyond your control, you are unable to take the trip and cancel it, providing the insurer with valid proof of the cancellation. The insured amount is calculated based on the amount paid by the insured for the value of the travel services.

You can receive a refund for the unused days of the insurance period if you provide documentation proving your return to the country. If you have used the insurance policy during your vacation, no money will be refunded.
Trip Interruption
Extending the Storno risk coverage for the entire trip period by covering the unused days of the stay plus the cost of a return plane ticket up to a certain maximum amount can be part of an additional clause negotiated with the insurer. The reasons for returning early from the trip are included in the terms of this additional clause and may include: the death of a relative, destruction of the residence, being summoned to court for a trial, premature birth of the insured’s child, events for which the insured’s presence at home is indispensable, etc.

Yes, there are insurance companies that can issue a policy after departure, but the start date of the coverage may differ from one company to another, and they may have minimum insurance periods. We advise you to contact a Destine insurance broker to receive the appropriate offer.

We advise you to contact a Destine broker as there are differences from one insurer to another.

To receive a personalized offer according to your specific requirements, please calculate the price of travel insurance by accessing this link.

The RCA contract can be concluded for a period from 1 month to 12 months, in multiples of one month. The RCA contract can only be concluded for a period shorter than one month in certain situations.

RCA insurance takes effect starting the day immediately after the policy is issued, for already registered vehicles.

No, since it is under leasing, the car belongs to the leasing company in Germany. Border insurance in Romania can only be taken for vehicles registered in another state, except for those whose civil liability insurance is guaranteed by the national office of that state.

Yes. Through our partnership with TBI Bank, you can purchase RCA insurance in installments. See here for available options.

Insurance companies set their own RCA premium rates based on risk categories.


Thus, the RCA rate is determined by each insurance company according to its own estimate of the risks associated with certain indicators (such as: the car’s power, the driver’s age, the place of residence, etc.). These indicators indicate the likelihood of an accident occurring and, consequently, the likelihood of compensation being paid and its financial impact.

Yes. When registering a vehicle, it is mandatory to provide proof that you have a valid RCA contract registered in your name for the registration process.

If the person at fault for the damage has a vehicle registered in Romania but does not have valid mandatory RCA insurance at the time of the accident or, in the case of accidents with bodily injury and/or death, if they are not identified, we recommend contacting the Road Victims Protection Fund.


ASF has provided consumers with a free helpline through which you can get answers to various questions and receive advice in case of problems.
Toll-free line: 0800 825 627.

Yes. RCA insurance is mandatory and provides compensation for damage caused to third parties by you.

RCA insurance is valid in Romania, in EU member states, and those belonging to the European Economic Area, as well as in countries directly linking two EU member states where no Green Card national office exists.

Extension of Policy Validity

Insurers can extend the territorial validity of the policy to other countries, and the countries where the insurance is valid are specified in the policy.

If the insurer delays the payment of the damage value for more than 10 days after the responsibility and the amount of the damage have been established, you are entitled to receive penalties of 0.2% for each day of delay. The percentage is applied to the total compensation amount or the unpaid difference.

Claimants have the option to repair their car at any repair shop they choose, regardless of whether it is on the insurer’s list of contracted service providers.

Thank you for consulting the Frequently Asked Questions section! We hope the information provided was helpful. If there are any other uncertainties or additional questions, we encourage you to contact us. We are here to help!