The brokerage market in Romania increased by 13.37% in the first half of 2021 compared to the same period last year, amounting to intermediate premiums worth 4.31 billion lei.
At the same time, the degree of intermediation was 67.45%, according to the report of ASF – Financial Supervisory Authority.
In the first half of 2021, brokerage companies brokered 67.45% of the total volume of gross premiums written by insurers for the two categories of insurance, the largest share still having general insurance (82.16%).
TOP Brokers
The first place in the brokerage market is SAFETY Broker (7.74%), followed by MARSH Broker (7.31%), DESTINE Broker (6.09%), TRANSILVANIA Broker (5.60%) and INTER Broker ( 5.34%).
On the RCA + CMR insurance segment, the ranking of brokers after the first semester of 2021 is as follows: SAFETY Broker, DESTINE Broker, INTER Broker, TRANSILVANIA Broker, DAW Management Broker, CAMPION Broker, MILLENIUM Insurance Broker, EXA Broker, MARSH Broker and MAXYGO Broker.
Click here and find out more details about the rest of the rankings.
In the first half of 2021, the insurance market amounted to gross premiums amounting to approximately 6.39 billion lei, increasing by approximately 13.6% compared to the value recorded in the similar period of the previous year, according to the report ASF – Financial Supervisory Authority .