Insurance and Earnings A low level of understanding of financial concepts continues to be a problem for consumers, which also affects the profile market. "Lack of education is certainly an important obstacle in the development...
14 December, 2020
The 8th edition of the “October - Home Insurance Month” campaign reminds you how important it is to be home safe, but also to take care of your home The COVID-19 pandemic continues, but the...
12 October, 2020
"In a completely original format, respecting all the safety measures imposed by the pandemic that has not yet passed, the 20th edition of the Insurance Market Awards 2020, awarded by XPRIMM Publications, took place. On...
2 October, 2020
19 July, 2019
The 12th Edition Celebration - Destine Gala Awards 2019 On Friday, March 29, the 12th edition of the Destine Gala Awards 2019 took place, featuring a special episode of "Ora de Risc." Mr. Sergiu Costache,...
29 March, 2019
Professional development with Destine Holding Destine Holding, our collaborators, offers you the chance to enroll in continuing professional development with training courses for insurance intermediaries. The purpose of these courses, which our ground floor provides,...
21 January, 2019
On Wednesday evening, 12.12.2018, the 16th edition of the UNSICAR Awards Gala took place. The event brought together representatives of brokerage firms, insurers and partner companies in related fields, as well as authorities and media...
20 December, 2018
For carelessness at the wheel, you can pay with your life. Or others. Be awake behind the wheel! Between July 10 and September 20, 2018, for the third consecutive year, the national road safety and...
25 July, 2018
DESTINE Broker, one of the most important intermediaries on the local market, organized, last weekend, the "Destine Awards Gala", an event that has become a tradition in the company, in which over 500 people participated...
17 April, 2018
On 03.03.2018, the Plus-Value Zonal Gala took place in Dărmănești-Bacău, an event organized by an ambitious team within the Destine insurance-reinsurance broker. Of the more than 1000 members of the team, spread in the counties...
16 March, 2018
Destine Broker advances the unique health insurance segment One year after the premiere in Romania of the international health insurance of the CIGNA GLOBAL IPMI group, the world's leading provider of health, life, personal injury...
4 August, 2017
Between 04 and 07 April 2016, Cigna Global IPMI organized a special event for the Destine delegation in Scotland, UK, to mark the results of the partnership between the two companies registered in 2015 and...
30 March, 2017
On Thursday, March 24 a.c., during the 16th edition of the Insurance Market Awards Gala, the best results of the companies and specialists in the profile market were celebrated. The evening was thus dedicated to...
25 March, 2017
Charity event - Let's change a destiny DESTINE Insurance Broker organized in Timișoara, on June 19, 2015, the charity event: "LET'S CHANGE A DESTINY!", Inside the Ambassador Hotel. Here, Destine Broker announced the launch of...
20 June, 2015